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      Published, 20.10.2022

      New design of web

      Highlights of the new mediCAD Web Version 2.5

      Look forward to the new design of mediCAD Web.

      With the new version, mediCAD Web gets a new improved design.

      medicad web wom

      The new user-friendly dashboard

      The modern dashboard allows users to intuitively click through the web application instead of having to laboriously search for specific functionalities.

      medicad web last plannings en

      Access to documentation and information at any time and without detours

      In addition, an additional menu gives you the option of accessing all documentation and information at any time and without detours from all sections of the user interface.

      medicad web 2.5 Infomenue

      The Central Toolbar

      The new design provides a straightforward and uncomplicated web experience with a central toolbar.

      medicad web toolbar

      In addition, the planning results are now permanently displayed.

      For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our sales staff: