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      With our software you can easily and accurately plan the implants, plates and screws. For a closer look, you can change the transparency to better observe the implants used in their respective positions. It is often necessary to visually determine the quality of the bone at the planned implant position. The Hounsfield visualisation supports you in this. High and low density values can occur at the planned implant position. Thus, a higher or lower primary stability can be assumed when placing the implants. With the distance visualisation of the Hounsfield units, concepts for preoperative planning can be created to determine the correct preparation technique and the consecutive prosthetic solution.

      Through the convenience of mediCAD® 3D Foot, the individual implant components can be assembled and placed in the 3D model (CT scan of the patient) with the help of the implant configurator.

      Here you can filter your implants by manufacturer, type, material and size or include only your personal favourites or those used in the clinic.

      Thanks to more than 15 years of cooperation with many international implant manufacturers, Foot 3D has modern know-how and a monthly updated implant database.

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      Implantate für den Fuß planen mit mediCAD 3D Foot