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      Mixed Reality
      Dr. Holzapfel talks about his experience with mediCAD

      The largest implant selection worldwide

      mediCAD® provides the world’s largest database of implants and orthopedic medical devices. Improved functionality allows orthopedic surgeons to choose 500,000 templates from over 130 international implant manufacturers.

      The database was developed in cooperation with medical device manufacturers and is updated monthly to include additional and renewed implant systems.

      mediCAD improves the orthopaedic workflow

      Find out how mediCAD® improves the clinical workflow and watch the experiences of Prof. Dr. Holzapfel – Director of the Clinic for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery at the LMU Clinic in Munich.


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      By doctors for doctors

      By doctors for doctors

      mediCAD® was developed with years of cooperation from orthopedic surgeons and healthcare provide to become a high-quality, user-friendly surgical planning software.

      The continuous integration of their improvement suggestions into our planning software development process helps us to continually deliver improved surgical outcomes.

      We are always looking for feedback on your experience.

      Save time

      Save time

      With the help of automatic workflow calculations, patient data, pacs integration, and special algorithms, the time required for planning sessions for doctors can be reduced by up to 85%.

      Save money

      Save money

      Time saves money – With ideal surgery and preoperative planning, workflows are improved, and the intended surgical plan is can be implemented.

      Efficiently performed surgeries reduce costs, personnel expenses and operating room time. Streamlining proper medical device selection can also reduce storage and cost. We also aim to improve the real time communication between Vendors and Hospital concerning Supply Management.

      Our products are 100% made in Germany and guarantee the highest level of quality.

      Increase quality

      Increase quality

      Through AI assisted accuracy and individiual process optimization options we aim for the highest level of quality assurance, paird with the best User experience.

      Specialization in orthopedics

      Specialization in orthopedics

      The large selection in endoprosthetics ensures that the user can find a suitable implant for almost every case ins seconds.

      For patients with complex deformities, the software supports the ordering of an individual prosthesis or the combination of modular segments.

      3 Dimensional Surgery Planning

      3 Dimensional Surgery Planning

      Three-dimensional surgery planning with our 3D Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Spine and Foot modules enables precise alignment measurements of implants and screws.

      Accurate multiplanar visualization combined with advanced measurements and range-of-motion (non ligamentary) simulation facilitates the surgical plan and diagnosis.



      A print of 3-dimensional models of all bone area contributes to a better visualization of a pathology. This is used in some cases for the simulation of a preoperative intervention, or helps in the selection of implants.

      The 3D printing portal of mediCAD supports you in easy ordering of 3D – printed copies with an auto and manual segmentation mode and multiple fint tuning tools.

      mediCAD® Web

      mediCAD® Web

      With mediCAD Web, you can access the application and your plan from anywhere via the browser.

      Automatic, dynamic measurements, a reduced workflow and simple administration promote flexibility in OR planning and is the most streamlined approach to introduce new users like students to the tool.


      Our products are 100% made in Germany and guarantee the highest level of quality.

      New Version mediCAD 7.x

      Utilizing surgeon feedback and our commitment to supporting healthcare providers with the best tools possible, mediCAD is proud to release mediCAD Classic 7.0. Learn about our improved preoperative planning workflows, new radiology module, the new chatMED cross-department communications solution, and EU-MDR certification.

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      Operationsplanung mit der Software mediCAD für 2D und 3D Bilder

      Get to know mediCAD

      We are happy to demonstrate the advantages and possibilities of our virtual surgical planning software to you and your team. mediCAD® makes your daily healthcare, orthopedic and operating room functions more efficient and more cost-effective to give you, and your patients, more security.

      mediCAD creates Trust and Confidence in your Patients


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