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      Fast and targeted

      Automatic planning

      Intertrochanteric osteotomy



      Triple pelvic osteotomy

      Paediatric dimensions

      Quickly and specifically you can:

      • Fit a suitable cup and stamp combination
      • Correct an adduction or abduction
      • Determine the leg length compensation preoperatively and postoperatively and show it on the image
      • Benefit from the FAI module, which was developed in close cooperation with Dr. med. Wolfgang Zinser
      • Calculate and perform intertrochanteric osteotomies

      Automatic planning

      With the “Automatic planning” function in the Hip module, stems and cups can be suggested after automatic recognition of the relevant landmarks. mediCAD® offers very fast and efficient endoprosthetic preoperative planning with this function. Using a list of favourites, the automatic determination can be limited to an individually preferred manufacturer or implant configuration.

      Intertrochanteric osteotomy

      The “Intertrochanteric Osteotomy” function allows planning of a conversion osteotomy of the trochanter, the upper section of the femur. Based  on the axial malposition, intertrochanteric osteotomy frequently offers the possibility to delay a use of a hip prosthesis. The function allows the resection line to be planned at the trochanter and then the angle of rotation to be defined at the resection. The osteotomy planned using this this rotational angle is generated in the planning image. The osteotomy angles can be changed flexibly here. A rotation at the femoral head can also be simulated.


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      FAI module, which was developed in close cooperation with Dr. med. Wolfang Zinser

      The “FAI” function (Femoro-Acetabular Impingement) in the hip module helps to professionally measure and evaluate hip joint morphology. Pathologies such as CAM, pincer, mixed impingement as well as dysplasia are easily detected here. mediCAD enables the precise measurement and evaluation of all FAI forms using various X-ray images (faux profile, Rippstein, Lauenstein, cross-table, pelvic overview image).


      Biometric analysis desired?
      No problem for mediCAD!
      Automatic suggestion of the optimised position of the joint centre taking into account body height, weight and biomechanical initial analysis. Improvement of force application and restoration of physiological muscle play based on the biomechanically determined normal range for anchoring the prosthesis.

      Avoidance of biomechanically unfavourable results through optimised implant geometry. mediCAD® solves questions in this regard in a unique way.


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      Triple pelvic osteotomy

      With the “Triple Pelvic Osteotomy” function, mediCAD® offers an easy-to-use option for planning the conversion of the hip joint in cases of dysplasia.
      With a few clicks, rotations and the offset of the bone fragment are displayed.
      Afterwards, the roofing of the modified joint can then be calculated.

      Paediatric Measurements

      The “Paediatric Measurements” module allows you to assess hips using clinically relevant values. Since American and European orthopaedic surgeons assess the hip situation using different criteria, Coxometry takes the differences in approach into account.
      Most criteria are automatically assessed by mediCAD using known graduation tables, such as acetabular head index or acetabular inclination angle etc.