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      Foot / Ankle

      Hallux Valgus

      Flatfoot (Pes planus)

      Ankle Joint Instability

      Foot / Ankle

      Enables optimal planning, sizing and positioning of implants for feet, ankles and toes. Dimensions of predefined angles on the forefoot such as for pes carvus and pes planus are possible.

      Hallux valgus

      Enables the analysis of the preoperative situation by automatically calculating all relevant angles. The postoperative result can be simulated at any time. All individual dimensioning options and a variety of implants are available.

      Flatfoot (Pes planus)

      In the “flat foot” function, measurements such as the calcaneus, talometatarsal or talocalcaneal angle are possible. These can be used for additional assessment of the pathological situation.

      Ankle Joint Instability

      With just a few clicks, mediCAD allows you to obtain a precise overview of the stability of the ankle in a weight-bearing shot with the “Ankle instability” function.