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      Functions & benefits


      Automatic creation of the initial diagnosis

      Automatic preoperative planning

      Intraoperative planning

      Medical knowledge database

      Artificial intelligence - the future of orthopaedics

      With the mediCAD® Artificial Intelligence Ortho Agent, an artificial intelligence accesses a database in which preoperative images with various pathologies as well as diagnoses and procedures from different doctors are stored. By intelligently processing the data, the AI can provide suggestions for diagnoses, carry out preoperative planning automatically, assist live in the operating theatre during the operation and support the doctor in finding solutions in as many critical cases as possible.

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      The development of the AIOA:
      A milestone in orthopaedic care

      The development of the AIOA by mediCAD® and its partners marks the beginning of an infinitely growing chain of orthopaedic experience that can revolutionise medical care. With every use and every user, the chain of experience grows and the larger it becomes, the more comprehensive and stronger we can support medical staff and the healthcare system.

      Would you also like to contribute your medical knowledge? Become a part of the AIOA, test our system and join us in shaping the beginning of a better future.

      Central functions and the resulting benefits of the mediCAD® AIOA software are

      Precaution and prevention

      • The AI collects data on the patient's movement behaviour
      • Advance warning when recognising patterns of pathology

      Automatic creation of the initial diagnosis

      • Recognising patterns among smart device data
      • Synchronisation of smart device data
      • Comparison of X-ray/CT/MRI images

      Fully automated preoperative planning

      • Proposals and implementation of planning by comparing existing plans

      Assistence during the operation

      • Comparison of the live images with the collected data records
      • Suggestions for alternative procedures and indications of possible risks
      • Live assistance in the operating room

      Medical knowledge database - available at all times

      • AI collects medical Information

      Benefits of mediCAD® AIOA

      Continuous data updating:

      Continuous data updating:

      After each diagnosis, planning and operation, the AIOA database is expanded with new, data protection-compliant data. This data is incorporated into the new processes and contributes to the continuous improvement of the medical knowledge database.

      Knowledge processing and availability

      Knowledge processing and availability

      The AIOA collects and processes all medical knowledge. Doctors can use this knowledge at any time for diagnoses, treatments and operations. This leads to more precise and efficient medical care.

      Improvement of learning behaviour

      Improvement of learning behaviour

      By analysing and replicating the learning behaviour of doctors, AIOA helps to continuously improve their skills. The more frequently AIOA is used, the more valuable the database becomes for all users.

      Improving the quality of care

      Improving the quality of care

      Constant access to the collective knowledge of all experts in the database significantly increases the quality of medical care. Doctors avoid unnecessary operations, improve the quality of their treatment and increase patient satisfaction.

      Benefits for Patients

      Benefits for Patients

      The AIOA offers patients benefits such as reliable diagnosis, improved early detection and high treatment quality.

      Benefits for Doctors

      Benefits for Doctors

      The AIOA offers doctors advantages such as access to extensive medical knowledge, the avoidance of unnecessary operations, improved treatment quality and patient satisfaction, as well as time savings and the possibility of admitting more patients.

      Benefits for Clinics

      Benefits for Clinics

      By reducing the error rate in diagnoses and treatments, clinics can plan and utilise personnel capacities better, as multiple presentations and follow-up operations are no longer necessary. Doctors can prepare and perform their operations more efficiently, enabling them to treat more patients. The improved quality of treatment increases patient satisfaction. In addition, the knowledge of each doctor is retained in the database, even if they leave the clinic.


      Please contact us to find out more about the research project.

      Automatic creation of the initial diagnosis

      In order to make an accurate diagnosis, doctors need as much information as possible, which they traditionally gather through patient consultations, medical images and their own and other people’s experiences. This process can be significantly accelerated with the help of AI.

      Matching and pattern recognition of smart device data

      Smart devices record health-related data via sensors. This data can be compared with medical examinations and images. The AI uses the large amount of data in the data centre to draw patterns and conclusions about medical conditions. Smart devices can inform users when a visit to the doctor is necessary, reducing waiting times and unnecessary visits and enabling conservative treatment at an early stage. The data flows into the electronic patient file.

      Comparison of X-ray, CT and MRI images

      The database contains a large number of medical images and pathologies. The software compares new images with this data and provides diagnostic suggestions. This is done by neural networks that identify landmarks and compare them with existing pathologies. The doctor thus receives automated diagnostic suggestions based on image recognition.

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      Automatic preoperative planning

      The AIOA automates pre-operative planning by intelligently processing medical data. After diagnosis, the AI makes suitable suggestions based on existing plans and the available instruments. Doctors can select or adapt the best suggestion, with the adjustments being saved and transferred to the system. The AI continuously learns from the stored data and identifies treatment patterns that are favoured by the majority of doctors.

      Automatic Planning:
      • The doctor uploads a pathological image to the server.
      • Landmarks are determined and compared with existing data.
      • Most frequently used plans are suggested.
      • Adjustments made by the doctor are saved and added to the data collection.
      • The software uses this data to create sensible surgical steps for the surgeon.

      Intraoperative planning - assistance during the operation

      New findings often emerge intraoperatively and the surgeon has to deviate from the plan. Previously, the surgeon had to improvise and had difficulty obtaining information for a new procedure at short notice. This prolonged the operation time and increased the risk for the patient. Now the surgeon is assisted by a system that has analysed vast amounts of data, can give advance warning or support in many constellations and can react directly to intraoperative deviations.

      Step-by-step instructions

      Preoperative planning is divided into sensible surgical steps. Live information from X-ray images taken with a C-arm and projected onto head-mounted displays enables the planning to be compared with the current situation. Adjustments are calculated and taken into account immediately, warning the surgeon of potential complications.

      Insight into the inside of the patient

      Head-Mounted Displays projizieren 3D-Bilder auf den Körper des Patienten, wodurch unsichtbare Bereiche sichtbar werden. Dies hilft bei der genauen Platzierung von Schnitten, Bohrungen und Implantaten.

      Support with the assembly of implants

      The AI recognises the position and alignment of implant parts and shows the correct placement of the second part on a head-mounted display. The system tracks and checks the alignment during insertion.

      Support when placing cuts

      The AI assists in making incisions by analysing images of the patient, identifying landmarks and projecting the markings onto the body via a head-mounted display.

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      Medical knowledge database

      Medical treatments are complex and require extensive knowledge. Doctors gain experience throughout their careers, but everyone starts with a learning curve. In addition, doctors often change clinics and take their knowledge with them, which is detrimental to clinics and patients.

      The AIOA addresses this by creating an intelligent data centre that collects medical data and processes it using AI. This means that the knowledge acquired is available to all doctors. The system continuously learns from the doctors’ diagnoses, operations and changed procedures.

      Errors in diagnoses and treatments are also recorded in order to avoid future problems. This allows all doctors to learn from the experiences and mistakes of their colleagues, which significantly shortens the learning curve and improves the quality of treatment