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      Published, 31.05.2024

      mediCAD® Mixed Reality

      The webinar on the topic „Intraoperative support for orthopaedic procedures with mediCAD® Mixed Reality” is now available on our YouTube channel! Discover the revolutionary application possibilities of mediCAD® Mixed Reality (MR)!

      Our expert, David Würdinger, will show you how you can use mediCAD® Mixed Reality and Microsoft HoloLens to plan your operations with the latest 3D software and use three-dimensional visualizations during the operation.


      Webinar Highlights:

      ✔ Support from MR during shoulder TEP procedures: Learn how MR technology can assist you intraoperatively for optimal outcomes.
      ✔ Fracture analysis and visualization aid: See how MR enhances fracture treatments with detailed visual support.
      ✔ Intraoperative remote support through live video streaming: Explore the benefits of live remote assistance during surgeries.



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