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      Published, 14.06.2023

      Asklepios and mediCAD

      Asklepios Clinic and mediCAD: Pioneering work for digital innovation in orthopedics 

      Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA has 170 facilities in 14 federal states and is one of the largest clinic operators in Europe. Recognizing the importance of digital advancements in orthopedic care, Asklepios decided to continue relying on mediCAD for innovative planning solutions! 

      This strategic decision improves digital innovation at Asklepios Orthopedics and is essential for improving patient care and optimizing orthopedic procedures. 

      The recently signed new framework agreement for the next four years strengthens the cooperation between Asklepios and mediCAD and establishes a long-term partnership. The framework agreement provides an opportunity to jointly develop forward-looking solutions and integrate innovative technologies into daily clinical practice. Digitalization plays a central role in establishing efficient processes, improving the quality of care and at the same time improving patient satisfaction. 

      “We created a framework for future innovations in orthopedics and IT. Asklepios is one of the pioneers of digital process thinking in everyday clinical practice, and mediCAD is the perfect partner for reaching this goal.”, mediCAD Hectec GmbH Northern Sales Manager Niclas Hohmann emphasizes. 

      Asklepios’ decision to continue relying on mediCAD for planning solutions is a sign of trust in the company’s capabilities and performance. mediCAD is proud to be a part of this breakthrough collaboration and is looking forward to work with Asklepios to drive digital innovation in the orthopedic sector. The use of advanced technologies and the close cooperation between the two partners ensure that patients receive optimal care and that doctors are effectively supported in their daily work. 

      The ongoing successful collaboration between Asklepios and mediCAD underscores both companies’ commitment to excellence in medicine and the use of the most modern technologies to improve healthcare. This pioneering partnership will help to further advance the medical field and establish digital innovation within Asklepios’ orthopedic division. 

      The result will be optimized patient care, where state-of-the-art technology and innovative solutions will play a central role.