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      Published, 19.12.2022

      mediCAD 7.0

      As a medical device manufacturer we guarantee the use of best available technology and we meet the strict requirements of all medical laws and regulations. This is why we are proud to present our new software mediCAD® V 7.0.

      Our software adapts to your needs as you can now set your individual workflows. The new version 7.0 comes up with plenty of new features: a new SQL implant database with fulltext search, measurement and correction of the tibial slope as well as safe communication via our messenger chatMED to name but a few.

      Order mediCAD 7.0 and get our bestseller software 3D Hip for free.

      Our previous software mediCAD V 6.5 and V 6.0 will be discontinued in February 2023 . Please be informed that no support will be provided from mediCAD Hectec GmbH.

      If you are interested in our software mediCAD V 7.0, feel free to contact our engaged employees to answer all your questions. We look forward to hearing from you: or +49 871 / 330 203 20.

      Here you can find more information on mediCAD 7.0