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      Innovative hybrid planning solution

      Our easy to use, innovative hybrid planning solution is one of the most powerful core functionalities of mediCAD® 3D Spine.

      For the very first time it is now possible to load 2D and 3D image data of a patient simultaneously into a planning. By setting just very few reference points, both images are correlated with each other and displayed at the same time.

      Due to complex algorithms and elaborate analysis of the loaded image data, the differences in both images (resulting e.g. from being taken in standing or prone position) are automatically taken into consideration and converted. This allows, for example, the assessment of a lordosis under strain or in relief.

      All other functionalities of mediCAD® 3D Spine described on the next pages can be automatically performed in 2D as well as 3D thanks to hybrid planning.

      No matter if measurements, spondylodesis or complex osteotomies – all performed actions are displayed and updated in real time in all images and views.